May 6, 2008

The secret i know!!

I dont know why i feel like sharing this secret with people i know, but the fact remains...
"You see so many things in your daily life. Get soo many feelings for others- good or bad. But what you fail to realise is that the whole world around you is nothing but just an ILLUSION!!
Your friends are an illusion,
Your Relatives are illusion,
You ever felt that u shared a wonderful bonding
with someone special, it was an illusion.
Your achievements were an illusion,
The races you ran as a child
and the ones which you won were an illusion.
Mind you,
Even if you lost something it was an illusion,
if ever you lose someone close to your heart, it ' ll be an illusion
coz the zero distance between the 2 hearts was itself an illusion.
The sky might not be the same for all,
the animals may be humans,
humans are probably still in the stone age,
this is the fact of the fact, that it is just an illusion.
You were never together with someone, nor were you ever alone,
coz wat ever u felt was an illusion.
The health you build, the diseases you have,
the food you eat, the water you drink dont make a difference.
The rainy winter, the cloudy summer, the spring et al was, is and will be an illusion.
Dont be happy for what you have,
nor be sad for what you dont,
Never question your presence,
coz illusion cant be questioned...
Every thing in this world is an illusion,
The terror, the sports, the growth stories, the independence- is all illusion

PS. Only one thing is not an illusion... there might be a different meaning (that no one else ever discovered) for this word called ILLUSION!!!
Dont be illusioned, that everything is illusion."


yash suchak said...


living in a phantom


Anonymous said...

You are mixing a nice variety of articles ranging from politics to movies to marketing to philosophy....

Just that you need to post a little more often now on.. as mo of persons following/ knowing about your blog is increasing..

Good luck for further works!!

Jeenal Mehta (Your Sis)