May 19, 2008

I feel Scared!!

The recent terror strikes at jaipur and the previous incidences of violent terrorist attacks on Mumbai and other places all over the country has suddenly made me ponder and think that "We are NOT Safe"."At all"
Don't know why, but i am feeling more scared than ever after these serial blasts.
They might have taken place far away from us but it is an eye opener that the terrorists network is already reaching out to the tier II and III cities like Jaipur and metros and the heaven J&K are not the only ones affected by it.
After every blast the government comes up with some schemes for the victims and their families and an assurance of fighting the terrorists with more stringent policies and aggression. But whats the state of affair? The strikes are still on.
Also i feel that not much can the government do as most of the times a new organization openly undertakes the responsibility of the blasts or the act. This time it was another new organization some *** al**hindi* which claimed the act and not only did they do it successfully, but they also had the guts to release the video of their plan and mail a news channel using words"*fida*yin* wait Modi" indicating some unaccomplished mission.
One might also think why Jaipur as the spot. The reason could be to announce their prescence to international people as Jaipur/ Rajasthan is the most visited place by the foreign tourists after Goa and Kerela in india. or may be some other reasons..

But the bottomline remains that India is not a terror free state at all and i seriously don't feel that any one can be safe any time here. U cant be safe while traveling in the trains or the buses that go to your home, the crowded stadiums of cricket matches can be their next target, u can never be sure to send your family members to the market place alone...

What has to be done? Do we give up to these attacks? What is it thats going wrong?
We only have two options:
1. Let the things be as they are and live with them, and
2. Take up the responsibility of changing the situation and promise our kids a better and a safe future.

The choice is yours...

I have no intentions of scaring any one of you. But all that we need to do is be ALERT citizens and co operate with the system. Encourage education, general as well as moral in the backward areas so unemployed youths are not dragged into these things. Not only do we have to be alert, but we also need to keep others alert about the situations. Do some self Policing. Your one moment of presence of mind can save hundreds of lives and families.. I hope we can contribute something to our motherland.

God let there be peace in this world....

(Please send in your ways to tackle terrorism in the comments section. If satisfactory solutions are generated, I PROMISE to put my efforts in conveying them to the masses and the Government authorities. Lets Join Hands for a free world!!)


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