Feb 11, 2009

Valentine's Day Out!!

Valentines day is just around the corner and many would have started thinking of suitable gifts for their loved ones.... what to buy, what not to buy, etc... But in lieu of recent events in few cities and open threats given by some so called moral polices in the name of MNS, Sri Ram sene and many such outfits, the youngsters are worried to make public appearences with thier girl/boy friend to keep the wolves away... Hmmm...

So what do you think? Does a day like valentine's day need such a protest in our country which is already filled will so much hatred or do you support this universal day of love? Or do you feel you dont really need a day to express love? What is your idea of valentine's day?

Here's your chance to voice your opinions. Be frank and speak your heart out. Whether you are for or against the celebrations, or what is your idea of a perfect valentines day date, or how you wish to spend the day with your special person, or some (love guru kind of) master tips for wannabes, some previous funny incidents, what ever related comes to your mind.... Just say it out...

Simply use the comments section. Click on the comments link on (www.mehtabhavin.blogspot.com) and use the space as a forum to voice your opinions and also check what others have to say about this issue..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... my idea of a perfect valentines day program..... with my husband on a beautiful landscape.... lots and lots of chocolates.... dinner under open sky... (a cute gift ofcourse)... and.... why should i tell you every thing..?

Saal ka ek din toh Love ko dedicate karne do yaar.... world is anyways already short of it.. No issues in celebrating it at all!!!
