Jan 20, 2009

The Audacity of hope!

While i write this many, around the world would be still stuck on their television sets watching history being made. Barack Hussein Obama is now the 44th president of the United States of America. And never ever i have been so excited to watch the swearing in ceremony of any leader of any country.

But with so much hope and hype, come a lot of expectations. And i believe he with his charismatic style of leading, pragmatic approach towards problems and great oratory skills definitely be able to bring about a catalytic change in the structure of the world.

What needs to be seen is how he deals with the current economic crisis in the world, the situation in Afghanistan and troops in Iraq and how much does he succeed in reaffirming that America can still be what their forefathers had dreamt it of being.

I really hope that Mr. oBaMa lives up to the expectations of restoring peace in the world and turns out to be the real guide to the change. Long Live Mr. President.

I would not hesitate is stating that BM truly idolizes Barack oBaMa.


Sapthagiri Sirisilla said...

Dear BM,

Although, considerabe time has elapsed since you have so enthusiastically put up your views on this matter, i have made some observations while going through the article and would like to share the same with you.
These observations are not in the form of contradictions to your ideas but are about some of the weaknesses that you have, knowingly or unknowingly, shown in you writing skills.Let me begin then:
1)The comma ought to be before "many"-para 1,line 1.
2)The phrase used should be "never ever have I"- para 1, line 5.
3)There should be a comma after "he"- para 2, line 2.
4)The word "will" should be used after skills- para 2, line 3.
5)The phrase used should be "dreamt it to be"- para 3, line 4.

There are some minor grammatical mistakes which are pardonalbe.
I have suggested these corrections so that when people read the blog of such a great personality, they should not get the idea that the person of whom they think so highly of, is not well versed in the language he uses for communication.
Hope the inputs be useful to you....
Warm Regards,
....SS :-)

Bhavin Mehta said...

Thank you....!
Mr. Sirisilla...
Shall keep that in mind... But for your information, even you have knowingly or unknowingly completely changed the context of what you were trying to say....
"...so that when ppl read blog of such a great personality, they..."
last para-2nd line.

if you were referring to me as the person, then its correct... or else it's supposed to be 'a blog post on' such a great personality and not 'a blog of'...

Well, thanks either ways...!!
