Jul 9, 2007


I felt so proud and happy when Taj Mahal was announced amongst the new 7 wonders of the world. More elation comes to me when i hear that it got maximum number of votes amongst all other monuments. Another reason for me to smile is that i DID contribute my bit in giving Taj its due place by not just voting but also making many other people vote.. i sent smses to my friends, orkut scraps and took spl permission from our college vice principal to put up charts regarding the same. Ah. it now feels NICE!
But the recent controversies with regards to authentication and validation of the worldwide poll and important bodies like UNESCO staying away from it plays a spoilsport. (the truth is hard to accept but even i doubted the selection process)..
Whatever be the case, i am enojying the fact that its an INDIAN MONUMENT... the great TAJ MAHAL which is topping the list of New 7 Wonders.. and to this beautiful earth which deserved a crown was given an India TAJ.

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